4-way deluxe hat stretcher (genuine wood) that also stabilizes the sides so that the hat does not deform.If you want to wear your hat as well as display it, this little utensil is almost indispensable, as felt hats can shrink a bit over time (e.g. due to normal humidity). To make sure that your hat still fits you after years, simply put the hat retainer (Hat Jack) into the hat (pay attention to the top and bottom) and turn the hat a few times so that the hat retainer fits well but does not tighten too much. Can also be used on already shrunken hats to slowly bring the hat back to the correct size. For sizes 55 - 65cm.Producer: adVintage Hats, Holder Thomas Osygus, Lehmstich 28, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, service@advintage.de, http://www.advintage.de
If you don't just want to display your hat, but also wear it, this little utensil is almost indispensable, as felt hats can shrink a bit over time (e.g. due to normal humidity). To make sure that your hat still fits you after years, simply put the hat retainer (Hat Jack) into the hat (pay attention to the top and bottom) and turn the hat a few times so that the hat retainer fits well but does not tighten too much. Can also be used on already shrunken hats to slowly bring the hat back to the correct size.
Size 57cm to 62cm individually adjustable. Made of genuine wood.
Producer: adVintage Hats, Holder Thomas Osygus, Lehmstich 28, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, service@advintage.de, http://www.advintage.de
Hat brush made from genuine wood with light bristles. Producer: adVintage Hats, Holder Thomas Osygus, Lehmstich 28, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, service@advintage.de, http://www.advintage.de
Black hat box with golden adVintage logo, black carrying handle, black insert and packaging material to transport the hat safely “overhead” so that the brim does not deform. This box is included with every handmade adVintage hat, except for the Harrison Fedora.
Producer: adVintage Hats, Holder Thomas Osygus, Lehmstich 28, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, service@advintage.de, http://www.advintage.de
Small Hat- and Clothbrush, made of oiled pear tree wood size about 13,5 x 5 x 0,8 cm. Perfect for the inside pocket.Producer: adVintage Hats, Holder Thomas Osygus, Lehmstich 28, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, service@advintage.de, http://www.advintage.de
About 30g of fullers earth for the Adventure-Look of your hat
Producer: adVintage Hats, Holder Thomas Osygus, Lehmstich 28, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, service@advintage.de, http://www.advintage.de
Cork stripe to put underneath the sweatband of your Fedora to reduce the hat size.Producer: adVintage Hats, Holder Thomas Osygus, Lehmstich 28, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, service@advintage.de, http://www.advintage.de